Experience & Great Services 


Importance of Alignment for Your Vehicle

At Extreme tires and auto repair, we encourage regular maintenance service for your vehicle, including wheel alignment service. Regular maintenance is important to help avoid costly repairs later on, and misalignment is something that occurs fairly often with most vehicles. Your vehicle can become misaligned from various causes, but one of the main causes are potholes, bumpy roads, and minor collisions. Typically, the first sign that your vehicle is misaligned is uneven tread on your tires, and some drivers will also noticed their vehicle pulling strongly to either the right or the left. Choosing to ignore a misaligned vehicle can result in more extensive repairs and services, including having to replace your tires sooner due to uneven wear.

The Wheel Alignment Experts

Our technicians are Certified, which means we are expertly trained to provide your car, truck, van, crossover, or SUV with the most accurate service possible. The same is true when it comes to our wheel alignment service. We use state-of-the-art tools and equipment to precisely align your vehicle based on the manufacturer standards. Whether you have an all-wheel drive or front-wheel drive vehicle and require a four-wheel alignment, or if your vehicle just need a front-end alignment, we will get the job done right the first time. We believe in the quality of our work and want you to have confidence in our skills as well. We understand that your vehicle is an investment, and it is our job to help you keep it running like new for as long as possible 


Alfa Romeo